Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)
Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)

Bull Drum Leader (Same Product as Always, now in Clear Mono with Glow beads)

Rogue Reelz Fishing

Regular price $5.00 $4.00 Sale

42 in. Bull Red Drum Leader. 400 lb mono. Sliding coastlock snap for spider weight or weight of choice. 8/0 Circle Hook. 3/0 barrel swivel Professionally crimped aluminum crimp sleeves.

We've caught Bull Reds, Black Drum, Sharks, Bluefish, Red Snapper, Tuna and believe it or not flounder and whiting with this durable rig.



When fishing with Braid, we highly recommend tying your main braid line to a 60lb mono section (4-8 ft) then the mono to our leader.

This will prevent tail whip cutoffs from sharks.
